Citizen Uniform Complaint Process PSA
The mission of the Sheriff’s Office is to provide professional law enforcement services to the citizens of Washington County. In order to fulfill that mission, the community must trust in the department’s ability and commitment to maintaining the highest level of integrity. To that end, the department will investigate all complaints and allegations of misconduct, and malfeasance or misfeasance of duty, regardless of the source.
- An individual may file a complaint of police misconduct with either the Police Accountability Board or the law enforcement agency that employs the police officer who is the subject of the complaint.
- Contents of complaint– A complaint of police misconduct filed with a law enforcement agency shall include: (i) the name of the police officer accused of misconduct; (ii) a description of the facts on which the complaint is based; and (iii) contact information of the complainant or a person filing on behalf of the complainant for investigative follow-up.
- A complaint need not be notarized.
- All citizen complaints will be taken by the duty officer or shift commander for initial documentation. Should the complaint be against the duty officer or shift commander, a referral will be made to the division commander or higher authority. The duty officer may be reached at 240-313-2170. The division commander may be reached at 240-313-2165.
- Citizen complaints can be taken by any agency employee if the complainant does not want to speak to a police officer, or if a sworn member of this agency is unavailable.
- No member of this agency will attempt to influence the complainant in any manner.
- Citizens requesting to file a complaint by email will be directed to send those complaints to
- Col. Pete Lazich will be to the point of contact for complainants to direct questions concerning the investigation. Col. Lazich can be reached at 240-313-2165 or by email at
- A complaint filed by a member of the public against a police officer shall be investigated by the law enforcement agency, and upon completion of an investigation, the law enforcement agency shall forward to the Washington County Administrative Charging Committee the investigatory files for the matter, to be resolved consistent with Maryland law.
Compliment Process
- Col. Pete Lazich is the point of contact for citizens wishing to compliment Washington County Sheriff’s Office personnel. Col. Lazich can be reached at 240-313-2165 or by email at